Monday, July 21, 2014

Don't hate.

Good morning Kristi.

You're probably the only one who reads this anymore . )

It's 8:30 am and I can't really say my creative juices are flowing quite yet.
I'm about to go back for a second cup of coffee
...but I think I'm becoming immune to the stuff.

I have a dozen posts I've been meaning to write.

Some examples include:

"Minding Your Goodwill Manners"
"Looking for Mr. Right"
"Seeking Good Conversation"
"Did They Ask for Your Opinion?"

The wonderful thing about blogs...
I can tell you what I think.

You can choose to read or not read.
Disagree or agree. Like me or hate me.

(I hope you won't hate me.)

Take the cherry pie and spit out the pits.
Keep the good stuff.

Anyway...what I'm trying to say is...

Don't get all bent out of shape because you might not like my opinion.

Also, if I wanted to start a debate...I'd be writing this as status update on social media.  Not my own private blog. So..don't debate. It annoys me.